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Pre-required software

Chapter details


About 95% of the ATLAS implementation is based on JAVA, therefore it is required of the user to have installed one of the latest Java Virtual Machines (JVM) on the target installation server. ATLAS has been tested with the latest Java SE 6 Update 30 (from Oracle, and OpenJDK ( Currently, the performance of ATLAS components is better with Oracle JVM.

Relational database

ATLAS is currently working with PosgreSQL database v9.0.x ( The data access object layer in ATLAS is implemented in such a way that all the queries are externalized in velocity templates ( Thus, it should be a simple task to migrate ATLAS to another database engine, such as MySQL ( or enterprise RDBMS, such as Oracle or MSSQL server.


ATLAS is using message-based asyncronous communication channels between some of the components. Thus, it is required of the user to have installed and configured ActiveMQ ( The configutaiton of an ActiveMQ installation should allow a large number of messages to be swapped on disk and, optinally, should enable the message priorities for better handling of the background and foreground functionalities. 

3rd party tools

ATLAS relies on several external, non-java tools to perform some of the functionalities. Most of the tools listed below are avalible ONLY for Linux-based operation systems. All of these tools have been tested on an Ubuntu 64bits installation.

  1. cuttycapt - - CutyCapt is a small cross-platform command-line utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page into a variety of vector and bitmap formats, including SVG, PDF, PS, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, and BMP;
  2. xvfb-run - - CuttyCapt requires a DISPLAY to be set up in order to make the screenshot. Therfore, a light-weight virtual X server is required.
  3. Calibre - - calibre is a free and open source e-book computer software that organizes, saves and manages e-books and supports a variety of formats. It also supports e-book syncing with a variety of popular e-book readers and will, within DRM restrictions, convert e-books between differing formats.
  4. djvutxt - - The program djvutxt decodes the hidden text layer of a DjVu document inputdjvufile and prints it into file outputtxtfile or on the standard output. The hidden text layer is usually generated with the help of an optical character recognition software.
  5. lit2epub - - lit2epub is a command line tool for converting a LIT document to an EPub document. It uses clit and zip for the conversion.
  6. pdftotext - - pdftotext is an open source command-line utility for converting PDF files to plain text files —i.e. extracting text data from PDF-encapsulated files. It is freely available and included by default with many Linux distributions.
  7. unoconv - - unoconv is a command line utility that can convert any file format that OpenOffice can import, to any file format that OpenOffice is capable of exporting.
    unoconv uses the OpenOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents and therefore needs an OpenOffice instance to communicate with. Iif it cannot find one, it will start its own instance for temporary usage. If desired, one can start a "listener" instance to use for subsequent connections or even for remote connections.